

Hey there, love!
          I hope you're doing good! 
          You've got this, you're already here that's something to celebrate for! 
          Don't stress much, what is in the way will soon make sense if not then just go with the flow you'll get out of it, better.
          Just keep swimming till you reach the shore!
          It's sometimes happiness, sometimes sadness
          It just can't be happiness all the way, there's no fun in that, it's just not the way.(idk if this makes sense but I hope it does) 
          Stay safe and healthy ❤️✨


Thank you for your heartwarming message! ❣️



I'm proud of you, you don't need to prove anything to anyone cause you're enough as you are. Don't push yourself too much you might be tiring yourself and then the work you've done would go down the drain, so always make sure to take rest❤️. Remember that, problems are just small obstacles in your life they'll be what you see them as, it's you who decides if they're bad problems or just a lesson in life. This might sound harsh but please always face the truth, keeping yourself in an illusion will only lead to you breaking in the end, So it's better if you face it first rather than it coming all at you at an unpleasant time, breaking you apart. 
          "We are stars wrapped in skin, the light you're seeking has always been within." 
          I love you, stay safe❤️


hey! i just wanted to thank you for all the support and love you’ve shown on nova! it is really appreciated and means so much to me. i hope you’re enjoying it! ✨❤️


@a_soft_bun omg! Your welcome author ❣️ sorry late reply the message didn't pop up in my notifications I barely look at my wall btw keep up the good work ❤️


          I was wondering if you could give my compilation book a chance, if not, it's totally cool.  It's a compilation of Romance books. I am hoping they are different to other such books due to them being grammatically accurate and not-cliche. (If you have a problem with self promos then you can delete this comment, I don't mind) 


Thank you, I appreciate it.