Please heck out my latest comment on my conversations! A little competition between me and my friend is going down. I'd love if you could spread the word to a few friends to help me out? Tysm if you can xx
Hey thank you do much for checking out my book, I'll make sure to check out yours (welcome to the glade) I've read the description and it sounds really interesting and I'd love to check out something new, personally I've never seen what it is based on but I'll also be sure to check that out aswell :)
@Suttyboo123 like I said, anything you need I'm your girl, I'll be sure to check out everything you have suggested, it sounds really interesting and I'm sure I'll love it xx
@Suttyboo123 that's awesome thank you! I hope you like it xx and if u do, u could check out the maze runner books and movies cos that's what it's based off xx