This might be controversial and I might get banned for this idk but I just want to make this clear, The whole Israel-Palestine thing is not a war, It's a f-ing genocide and whoever supports Israel for doing so can feel free to cut ties with me. And don't get fooled when ppl try to tell you saying "This happened recently Palestine started it." It is a very f-ked up statement and I have heard it many times before. This isn't anything that started in 2023 or something, It has been going on for decades and has just been going on in notice.
And I also hear some people BLAMING Palestine for it bc apparently they support Hamas. Listen here, do you think a 3 yr old could possibly support something, let alone be able to form his/her/their proper opinion? Don't try excusing genocide by pointing fingers. There are thousands of kids who are getting killed by a massacre and women are being SA and their families are threatened to watch it all happen. It genuinely breaks my heart to see so many souls just getting brutally murdered like this.
One of the major reasons why sm people do this, is because apparently they mix countries with religion. Firstly, you have to be A HUMAN with some average amount of empathy to support Gaza/Palestine. Just because Palestine has a majority of Muslims doesn't mean they are cruel and should be 'bombed'. It's rlly pathetic to think that people would be so hateful towards eachother just because of a mere Religion difference. And while other try defending by saying, "No bc Muslims are violent ppl their Quran talks bad" Like hello? No it doesn't, we're taught to respect every religion no matter what and jus by pulling out some random verse without context and using it as proof to show us being 'terrorists' or smth doesn't js mean you slick or wtv.
I'd type more rn but that's all for now bc word limit is gonna- yeah-
Just wanted to spread awareness & since apps like insta etc are shadowbannin topics like this & I expect Wattpad to be different.