
Finals have been conquered! my finals for this semester are done and I managed to pass them all!  I will be taking a day to rest but my next chapter for the Silver Scales will be releasing In the next day or two! hope you all have been eager to read, as things in both The Silver Scales and The Elemental dragon are going to get WILD!!


Finals have been conquered! my finals for this semester are done and I managed to pass them all!  I will be taking a day to rest but my next chapter for the Silver Scales will be releasing In the next day or two! hope you all have been eager to read, as things in both The Silver Scales and The Elemental dragon are going to get WILD!!


The first chapter of the newest of my three stories, The Quadrant's Quandry, Is officially out! it has been a long time coming and I'm glad I got to update one of my stories while I could before my finals, hope you all enjoy it!




@Brisingr682 It's really good! It's a Spanish desert and I've heard it takes a long time to make, but WORTH IT


@Brisingr682  you too! but i had thanksgiving like a month ago.... :-:


Hey everyone, I've gotten through my issues, thankfully, I appreciate all the kind words and support. In about a month I have my college finals, but then I get almost a month off from college before my spring semester. During that month I will do my absolute best to update my stories, thank you all for your patience and continued support 


@Brisingr682  :D Looking forward too seeing you write again!


Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven't updated any of my stories yet, my glasses are getting new lenses so I'm trying to stay off of computers and phones as much as possible, my lenses should be in this week though and I will update each of my stories at least once or twice before my college starts swamping me in finals preparations! See you all soon! 


Hi! For some reason it’s not letting me reply to your comment on my RP book (or my replies are refusing to show up on my phone for some reason), so I’m just letting you know that I’m in the process of moving to @RuefulIy (r u e f u l i y), so message me there lol. I’d love to RP again! ^^