
“If this was death, he’d been lied to.”
          	Chapter four of Amalfi has been posted! In this chapter, titled “He Forgot His Name”, our amnesiac has found himself at the hands of a stubborn woman, and she has questions. Does he have answers? If he did, would he share them? 
          	Check out chapter four to learn more! 


“If this was death, he’d been lied to.”
          Chapter four of Amalfi has been posted! In this chapter, titled “He Forgot His Name”, our amnesiac has found himself at the hands of a stubborn woman, and she has questions. Does he have answers? If he did, would he share them? 
          Check out chapter four to learn more! 


Chapter three of “Amalfi” has been posted! 
          I’ve never written action scenes before, and certainly not in third person, so it’s been interesting to say the least. Stressful, but fun. I keep reminding myself that I chose this book and this style to challenge myself, and so far I’m certainly achieving that. I would really love any and all feedback, please! 
          In this chapter, Amalfi’s facing what happens after challenging a beast like the tooth-tyrant. It’s mad, it’s big, and it’s aiming for her—can she survive? What is she going to do about the half-dead man on the beach? 
          Find out more in “Chapter Three: Fury of a Beast, Pride of a Tyrant, Heart of a Nymph”! 


I’m having issues seeing comments and notifications, and I’m apparently not following people I thought I was? Unsurprisingly, Wattpad is rebelling and throwing a tantrum of glitches. Please bear with me! 
          Let me know if I was following you but don’t seem to be anymore, and I’ll fix it ASAP! 


@PapSmeared yes! It’s being picky about which notifications it wants to show. 


@TheLostAndFoundPile she really does! It’s always something or other.  


Comments are driving me crazy rn! It hasn’t sent me notifications for an entire chapter someone commented on!


I just officially marked “To Steal a Weeping Widow” complete. 
          I’m in shock. It’s been a long, crazy journey that surprised me as much as you. 
          Thank you to all of my readers. Thank you to my silent readers, my vocal commenters and voters (all of you know who you are!), those that have been here since day one, those that started yesterday, and everyone in between. I appreciate and love all of you. Thank you. 
          I just can’t believe the first draft is done. I’m going to start the editing process soon (maybe I’ll submit it to the Watty’s next year), and I have another book in the works. Don’t be shy to tell me what you think! 
          Thank you. I can’t say it enough. Thank you. 
          - Hallie


@Ifweallfell I can’t believe it’s finally finished! I hope you enjoy! 


@BritishGravity Cant wait to read it in full!


I ain’t read it yet (I will) but I clicked on your notification. Emphasis on notification not notifications so I gotta ask is this the final chapter? 


No, there’s more! One chapter, one epilogue, and one author’s note still coming. They’ll be posted in a few minutes!


This chapter is… *that* chapter. 
          We’re near the end now. Very, very near. This is that chapter I suspect will need to be reread, because answers are provided, but Eleanor isn’t sure she wants them. This is the chapter we learn just how much poppies mean to Eleanor, and we realize just how much poppies are flowers grown in battlefields. This is the chapter I’ve made a million versions of, and in future drafts might make a million more. 
          This is the chapter I hope to hear from you, readers. I would love to hear your thoughts and reactions, because this is… *that* chapter. 
          - H