Hello Chakka_Nim,
It has been more than a year that you had stopped this story and I don't see any new stories, this makes me wonder if you are doing fine. I sincerely hope that you stopped because of inspiration or your occupation is taking the best part of your day ; and nothing painful occured.
I really really enjoy your writing and I am hanging on that cliff, waiting , hoping that you are still into the drama as much as I am.
I keep your story on my shelf, in case you resume writing it.
Talking again about the fight between Saeroyi and Yiseo, I can't believe that he is hurting her again just because he is jealous and unable to express his feelings, while she was bringing the world at his feet.
I wonder how he will make it up to her. I am fancying imagining plenty of scenarii while waiting for your come back.
Take care and stay safe.
The velvet silence