
Sup broskies, apologies for the radio silence. Things came up, you know how it is. Just a notice, the new semester has started & things are packed! I'll do my best to put together the finale for the First Mission Arc and get it out, but no guarantees on a time-frame. 
          	After that I'll be going on hiatus to focus, thanks for understanding. I'll work on chapters in my free time though, so by the time I post again after hiatus starts I'll have 20 chaps ready to post once a week.


@CoolGuyYami have a good school year. Can't wait for your return 


Hey man, it’s me again. Just checking up on ya. I figure that there’s something going on in your life that has taken your attention away from here and that’s why you haven’t updated in a while. You have a lot of people worrying about you on here. I hope you will return soon. Hope you’re feeling good where ever you are.