Ok so I'm Adel. But not really Adel, only slightly Adel. We're all happy here together so its Ok. I love things that make sense, and things that don't make sense, and things things that are just plain MAD. As a Hatter of course. If I'm not making any sense at all then you need to pay more attention. Confused? Good. Confusion is good for you. It makes you think. Hopefully. If you've lost the ability to think then theres no help for you at all. You've lost you head. You might want to check and see if its there. Just in case you miss placed it. You could have left it on the bus. Or in Walmart. Nasty place. Full of nasty things. But I do love the lights in Walmart. Very bright and lighting. Don't touch them! you'll burn yourself!! Now look you've done. You've gone and burned yourself. Good job. No use crying over burned flesh, go run that under some cold water. Maybe that'll teach you not to go to Walmart. As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me with your third degree burns, zombies make very good presents. I myself haven't received one but I've given many as brithday presents. And they're wonderful around christmas time. And half price! We should all get christmas trees right now. Go on! Go get one!! Don't you realize how important this is!! The world could blow up right now just because you're to lazy to go and get us a christmas tree. I hope you're satisfied. You've blown up the world. 

Confused? Good.
  • WonderLand
  • انضمFebruary 2, 2010


قصة بقلم Adel
1 قائمة قراءة