
I shall be uploading a story soon, my friends, soon! I'm currently writing as many chappies as I can before high school starts *bites nails* so I can just upload everyday.

Now, about me? Well I guess you'll just have to read my stories to find out. :)
Read the next part quickly:
One hint: my nickname is Jello and Im the night queen while my partner xxPepsiLoverxx is day queen. TOGETHER WE RULE THE WORLD!!! Well the supernatural world. Humans are boring! Vampires are what's up! And also smurfs. I've got the smurf song as my ringtone!! Werewolves too of course!!! I've got control of all night animals and the day queen and I are battling for power. Some things you won't find about me in my story?:

I LOVE LOVE LOVE paramore! They're my favorite band of all time. And boys like girls. And mayday parade. And many many more Kpop bands and more. ;)
Favorite color? Black.
Favorite hobby? Writing/reading/flirting ;)
Favorite animal? I've got to say penguin!
Favorite tv show of all time? Being human on SciFi
Favorite movie? Snow White and the Huntsman.
Favorite food? Hmm..I've got to say....italian!
Favorite technology brand? Apple.
Favorite city? Between Chicago and New York. I plan to live there someday!
Favorite beverage? Gotta stick with the healthy option...water. ;D
Favorite hat? Fedora!!!
I'm scene. I get depressed sometimes. But I never resort to my own injury. I don't like pain. :( Now, others? Watch out. ;)
Favorite social networking site? Facebook or Instagram.
I'm starting high school this August! :O Wish me luck!!
Favorite subject? Hmm..between English, math and history.
Over or underachiever? Overachiever.
I love flying in airplanes! It's so fun!! I get motion sickness at times. :(
What do I want to be? Unsure. Like completely.
Favorite candy? Mmmmmm CHOCOLATE!! :D

Okay. Can't think of anything else. So...that's Angelie for ya. ;)
  • WOnderland
  • Lid sindsJune 25, 2012

Laatste bericht
FlyingxShimmers FlyingxShimmers Jul 30, 2012 01:32AM
@XxElviraxX No prollem! I support all anime fans!! :D 
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Verhaal door Angelie
The Light to My Darkness door FlyingxShimmers
The Light to My Darkness
Life is cruel. If love exists, can he lead you out of misery?
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