I have no idea what to put in this thing so here's a quote from a song I'm currently obsessed with: "All I did was try my best this the kind of thanks I get? Unrelentlessly upset. They say these are the golden years but I wish I could disappear. Ego crush is so severe. God, it's brutal out here."

  • Dream Land
  • IscrittoAugust 13, 2019

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ForeverALoner__ ForeverALoner__ Aug 19, 2021 02:44AM
Just been editing "Color Of Galaxies" for the past twelve hours... yeah. And you know what I've been working on this mother fucking story all day and I've only finished two parts. TWO PARTS. Why does...
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Storia di Treat Poeple with Kindness
Color Of Galaxies || Doctor Who [Book One] di ForeverALoner__
Color Of Galaxies || Doctor Who [B...
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