
its my birthday !! ^^


@jxnnniiii thank yew jenijennii!!!


hihihi! This might be one of my final messages on here, i wasnt satisfied with my last goodbye since it didnt feel right-
          anyways, before that i would like to say goodbye to some of my more treasured people:
          @-koiimao : Mahal kita <33 im sorry we didnt fet to talk much but if i could go back in time i would definitely talk to you more since you were so kind and lovellyyyy I MISS YOUUUU!!!!
          @inlovewithscara : my dear wifeyyy!!! ILL MISS YOU SO MUCHHHHH dont forget me smoochkins because i will come after you /hj. You were one of my first and last friends that i will forever remember
          @navitao : hii twinsiiee, i know this is a bit awkward since we havent talked in a bit but i just want to say goodbye and i hope that if i come back we can talk more again. Love you and i just want you to know that meeting and calling you my twinsie was one of my favourite days
          @Vanni_aixx : my dear mother! Thank you for making the wattpad family because it made me make friends with so much more people. Thank you for that!! I love you mother and i hope we can talk again soon.
          And to everybody else like @jxnnniiii, @anemotoast and @RemyTen. Thank you for being my top 3 authors!! The interactions we had were all my favourite and i hope i can read your books next time. Thank you for being my friend for this time and remember to stay well!!


@Hearts4Heizou awww I say you hadn't been active in a while I hope you're okay! Thank you for being a reader<33


@jxnnniiii aww jennii.. luv you tew <33 ill look forward to reading your amazing book again! 


we are true friends,  we ride together, we die together 
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me if you care
          See how many times you get this
          I want you to know that you're an amazing friend,  till death <3
          Once you read this letter, you must send this to 15 people if you get at least three back, you are loved :D


haii! sorry im not so active on wattpad anymore- ill still be here every once in a while but jst not online much, my dear moots and friends i love all of you sm and ill never forget you even if i come back or never will ^^ stay happy guys, remember to eat, sleep and hydrate. Take care of yourselves. Good bye for now, love you <33 


uhhh my classmate just sexually assaulted bb razor on character ai and now I’m scared  

