Hello Sweetie! I'm your everyday writer, fighting dragons atop fiery mountains and a loving fangirl on Pinterest. I play viola and piano, I'm in ballet and hip hop and I like puppies. 
Message me, dearie. I get quite bored a lot. *shoots wall* Tom Hiddleston is my spirit animal. Alex Kingston and J.K. Rowling are queens.

My ships include: Mycake (XD), Destiel, FitzSimmons, and more. My OTP: Rose x The Doctor, and THE OTP. River x The Doctor.

Favorite Food: Sushi, Pie, Chocolate

RP account- Pinterest: River Song #Sara stay strong! #Merica

I love writing, though I still really need to work on my skills. I hope you like them.

Fav shows: Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, Scooby Doo (Old version), Warehouse 13, Rosario + Vampire, Gunslinger Girl, Fruits Basket, Black Butler, Vampire Knight, That 70's show, The Office (U.K and U.S. Versions), Being Human (U.K, U.S.), Merlin, Marvel, and more.

The Husbands of River Song made my feels bonkers but I loved every. Damn. Minute. I'll miss you Steven Moffat!

"Every fairytale needs a good old fashioned villain." -Jim Moriarty

"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness." -Aristotle

"We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?" -The Doctor
  • Đã tham giaJuly 4, 2016

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