
HAHA I GOT MY BOOK BACK! Reach's Insurrectionist will have a re-write from its original version to sound and make more sense. CHOW!


Account got hacked... Halo Reach's Insurrectionist has been erased and previously name and pictures have been fixed.. I cannot bring back that story now. I will be working on other stories as of now, I dont know if I will bring that story back to life. Have a good day.


Hello people reading this, Names Nicolas G. I make Halo books from my imagination/Actual events but more excitement for the readers.  I've been working on a book about my Insurrectionists days but more or less different for the viewers to know what happened. Simply like RP (RolePlay) in a way. So I do hope you enjoy and make sure to check out 'Paul Best' he makes excellent books!