So apparently, Gouda cheese is not Munster cheese. I got the two confused. And aged Gouda, turns out, smells like butt crack. Still tastes good, though... butt-cracky goodness. I need some more smelly candles, is what I'm trying to say. ...the good kind of smelly. Not the butt-crack cheese kind of smelly.

@Ladywildmoonchild Yeah, I'm no good at lying either. My eyes get shifty and my chest gets blotchy red.

@VagrantDust I would be found out so fast if I lied. >.<* I get shaky and laugh way too loud (?) when I lie also my face turns bright red like a 'stop what you're doing and look at this woman, she is obviously holding back info...' I don't play card games, for obvious reasons.

@VagrantDust Ooo.. creamcheese is always a good and common used one for that. But brie is good also Juusto bread cheese! That one is really good with honey!