

So apparently, Gouda cheese is not Munster cheese. I got the two confused. 
          And aged Gouda, turns out, smells like butt crack. 
          Still tastes good, though... butt-cracky goodness. 
          I need some more smelly candles, is what I'm trying to say. 
          ...the good kind of smelly. Not the butt-crack cheese kind of smelly.


@Ladywildmoonchild Yeah, I'm no good at lying either. My eyes get shifty and my chest gets blotchy red.


@VagrantDust   I would be found out so fast if I lied.  >.<*  I get shaky and laugh way too loud (?) when I lie also my face turns bright red like a 'stop what you're doing and look at this woman, she is obviously holding back info...'  I don't play card games, for obvious reasons.


@VagrantDust  Ooo.. creamcheese is always a good and common used one for that.  But brie is good also Juusto bread cheese!  That one is really good with honey!


Where are you? I'm trying to procrastinate and you're nowhere to be found!


@Ladywildmoonchild Sorry about your son. Cold's are no fun. Glad you're back in the Wattpad town, though.


@VagrantDust  I only appear when I can make you late or to distract you from something important.   My son has a cold. :(  Now he's moping about it.   Grumpy Grumpy.


Would you rather be married to Stormy Waters from Sealab or Master Shake from Aqua Teen?


@Ladywildmoonchild Oh man, I forgot about that episode!


@VagrantDust   My favorite Carl scene was with his father on Christmas day.  "Silly Daddy, you can't eat carpet." "No, of course, not like gotta boil it first."  Gives you an idea of what made him the way he is.  Sad and thoroughly funny.


@Ladywildmoonchild I felt sorry for Carl until I saw the episode where he interacts with an alternate version of himself and totally screws up that version of him on purpose. So now I know he's miserable because he's made himself miserable and he's a terrible person for it.


Thank you for following me. I tend to be a bit cautious with the follow-backs but I have enjoyed our exchange - a lot.


;p - no. You simply get so much stuff in the newsfeed, it can get quite overwhelming. I like to have an exchange and from a certain point this does not work any more.


@linahanson   Why, do followers have some power I am yet not aware of?  XD


Oh - and I see you only joined four days ago? Welcome to Wattpad, where the books talk back. Let me know if I can be of any help, this place can be a bit confusing at times. XD


@linahanson  Yep, I still don't know enough about this site to be confused yet, not even enough to be dangerous....yet.  I'm not entirely sure what it's capable of. *shiver of anticipation.  I am sure it will let me know when I have reached the my limit of understanding, I will then turn to you. :)  I promise to not be too annoying. 
            thank you for being so welcoming!


I like to have a look who comes to visit my novel, and I liked what I read in your profile. A lot. Especially the menagerie and the family life.. I can offer you a full-family adventure, two cats, sorry - no dogs, but crocodiles and other critters - and travels without ever boarding an airplane. 
          I had to fly in gale force 12 winds last week. Plus a thunderstorm. It was - no fun. Despite my fears I have been to the States numerous times. There are some drugs which do work, I even survived the 12 hours it took to get to Barbados! 
          You have a wonderful humour and I admire your respect for all things afoot and afly in creation. Many people just treat our furry, scaly and feathery co-inhabitants of planet Earth as if they were objects. They are not.