21 Multifandom I probably stan half of the kpop industry 😅

Twitter:@miroslavakoeva MiroslavaKoeva273

Youtube channel:
  • Bulgaria
  • Lid sindsJanuary 9, 2016

Laatste bericht
MiroslavaKoeva MiroslavaKoeva Dec 01, 2019 07:23PM
Hope you guys like the new covers!! I will try to update more ❤❤❤
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Verhalen door Kpop wifeu
Kpop Profiles:Duets [Request OPEN] door MiroslavaKoeva
Kpop Profiles:Duets [Request OPEN]
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Kpop Profiles:Actors & Actresses [Request OPEN] door MiroslavaKoeva
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Book full with Korean actors and actresses!!
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Kpop Profiles:TRAINEES [Request OPEN] door MiroslavaKoeva
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The book is about trainees! You can request trainees from show like produce,mixnine etc.
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