
And one last thing. The death of George Floyd WILL NOT BE SILENCED. There’s a petition you can sign virtually that explains that the officers who wrongly murdered this man should be behind bars. I do not have this link but you can find these links to sign and donate on social media but please be cautious when doing so. I love you guys and want to make sure you are all safe from any potential dangers. #blacklivesmatter please share! 


And one last thing. The death of George Floyd WILL NOT BE SILENCED. There’s a petition you can sign virtually that explains that the officers who wrongly murdered this man should be behind bars. I do not have this link but you can find these links to sign and donate on social media but please be cautious when doing so. I love you guys and want to make sure you are all safe from any potential dangers. #blacklivesmatter please share! 


Hello There! Yea it’s me, the one and only! I’m not dead, pfff obviously. Just haven’t been on here for such a long and I mean lonnnngggggg time. Mostly it’s because I moved past my phase of writing cringy fanfiction that yes, makes me cringe til this very day. BUT rest assure. I’m not here to tell you all that I’m leaving. I never left really, just been very inactive. But looking at my old stories, I realized what potential my stories really had, don’t get me wrong, they’re not the best but they could use some room for improvement. So I decided to take this opportunity of being back and redo my stories to make them fresh, make em’ new, improve them. Over the years I have to say I quite improved, and I wanted to improve my books and show to you guys that I can still produce the same content, but with much better quality. Because that’s how we all grow and improve ourselves in life. So what do you say? Care to join me on this improvement?


Why not :)!!


I finally finished your Into The Darkness We Go...SUGOI!!