Okay so in light of reaching 130 followers I have decided to open up a thingy for wolf ocs for my story Calling Fate. This is my list of requirements for the wolf (one or two per person) you can create that will make a special appearance in the story:
1)Must have one of the following elements: Sun, Moon, Light, Air, Fire, Ice, Water, Earth, Death, Life or Hybrid (two or more elements)
2) Must be one of the above elements respected clans. Sun wolves will be of the Sun clan and etc. Hybrids are the only exception as they really don’t have a clan and will eventually join the Keeper Clan. (Fyi they can also be of the Hell Clan and Heaven Clans to find out more about those clans look in my characters book for Calling fate)
3) have the usual requirements: Name, eye color, background story, Fur color (heavily dependent upon clan wolf is from example: Earth wolves have the earthy colors of grass, trees and dirt but cannot be any fur color of blue unless they are a Hybrid of the Earth or Water Clans or Earth and Ice Clans. Sun wolves match the colors of the sunrises, sunsets and the sun and etc), wings or no wings (again dependent on Clan: Hell wolves have dragon/bat like wings while Air and Heaven wolves have feathered wings), accessories (dont weigh them down with a crap ton of jewelry but things like collars, bandannas, chain on a leg, maybe a bracelet or two) and wether or not they have scars.
Thats all the requirements needed. If interest PM me the info of the wolf and I will write it down along with your username so I know whose wolf/wolves are whose.