
          It was utterly touching and stirred my little heart more than it should, not a problem at all. You almost made me cry! ;A;
          Oh my flub, really?! O_O That's shocking, but relieving as well - thanks! >////< My writing's serious poop compared to yours, though XD
          But, how to say this, um... You actually read the unedited draft of the second chapter, which would explain all those rough edges and "@" everywhere; I accidentally saved it in the wrong spot and realised it recently ^_^; The original chapter's back up, getting checked again.
          Sorry for my idiotic tendencies ._.


Thank you for reading and liking my poem!!!!!


@RenCirdan: I couldn't help myself - your imagery is impeccable, and it made me smile XD
            Keep it up ;)


@Saisei_Sensei Um Your Welcome (\^_^/).  And thank you for those new reads and votes.


D'awee your so pretty! >///< You have big eyes! :O (As you said "big and brown")


@Saisei_Sensei Told you I could deary XD I do indeed flirt with close friends (though it doesn't mean anything, I'm just playful :{3 ) I couldn't imagine you XD it was impossible :3 
            They are! Le beautiful!~


Teehee, probably not what you pictured, right? X3
            Naw, thank you, but I'm nothing special O////O
            Dangit, now it's you that's flirting! X'D


Where is your work as I noted that you write? Would like to read>


Aw, thanks X3
            By the end of this week, I intend to post my first chapter. Unfortunately, I calculated that the average length of a chapter for me to compose is nine pages, on a Microsoft document with default settings, and it takes precious time not to create, but to type.
            Soon, my friend, soon.
            Oh, and happy Christmas! :)