Hey guys,

I'm back. For a little while at least, I don't know how long I'll stay here.

About me:
Gender: Male
Location: USA
Hobbies: Chess, video games, reading, playing music.
  • USA
  • IscrittoAugust 18, 2013

Ultimo messaggio
PenguinsWithForks PenguinsWithForks Dec 29, 2015 03:08AM
Still alive, just not really on the site ever. Thanks for giving me support when I needed it, good luck to you all.Maybe last post here,Penguins With ForksPs this isn't a suicide note, just leavin...
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Storie di PenguinsWithForks
Revelations of Life di PenguinsWithForks
Revelations of Life
A collection of poems that I write during school while I endure classes. Also written in other places, inspir...
+4 altre
The Disembodied Voices di PenguinsWithForks
The Disembodied Voices
A story about a kid who gets captured on a zoo trip gone wrong. Will he escape, or will the Mysterious voice...
Random thoughts di PenguinsWithForks
Random thoughts
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