Hello there fellow Terragogs. Neela here. Jk it's just me. Not a fan of Anons.
In case you haven't noticed, I'm a fan of the WaterFire Saga, written by Jennifer Donnelly. So far two books are out (Deep Blue and Rogue Wave) in the four book series. The third book (Dark Tide) is coming oUT OCTOBER THIRTEENTH AND I CANNOT WAIT I AM A VERY IMPATIENT GIRL HERE THAT SERIES IS FOR LIFE. And just because It's sponsored by Disney people think It's lame, but it is amazing. Very well written. Favorite mermaid is Neela. I think Neela is the most relate-able of all the mermaids. Plus she has an awesome puffer fish named Ooda and a wicked scar from a dragon. A true honor.
I don't usually do read requests. I view it as desperate. But I will respond when you need help with writers block or anything of the sort. Just PM me.
I love the color blue. My favorite band is Imagine Dragons. I love their new song Roots. I also love Pixar and Dreamworks. They've made amazing movies and I think that they need to make more. I mean, don't we all love Finding Nemo, ROTG, Up, Inside Out etc.
- Matali
- IscrittoJune 1, 2015
Iscriviti ed entra a fare parte della più grande comunità di narrativa al mondo

Heelllooooooo everybodySo I finally found my password! I haven't been on since the summer, but I'm going to get back on track. :)Visualizza tutte le conversazioni
Storia di Princess Neela
- 1 storia pubblicata

Another Life
"You moved here for excitement?" I had to let out a laugh at that one, "Trust me, you aren't g...