
I'm Back!!!!!☺❤❤❤


Hey, y'all I will be deleting my book "If Only...She Knew. But, I will be writing some new books. They'll be amazing, and worth reading.


@aaliyahfan_19 please don't delete it. I'm very excited for your other books though. 


Hey y'all, I am going to rewrite my book guilty pleasure. I am rewiting it, because I feel like I didn't convey and present more ideas and good chapters in my book, and this time I think it will be written better this time.So stay tuned!.☺


Hey y'all, I know I haven't updated in awhile, and it's because I have been very busy with school, and I haven't been on Wattpad for a few days. But, I promise that I will update my books, before the weekend ends. Much Love To All My Loyal Readers, Peace ❤❤❤✌✌✌.


R.I.P To My Favorite Rapper Tupac Shakur. You've been gone for 21 years, but surely not forgotten. The Hip Hop World is still and will always be greatly impacted by You. I'll love you forever and always. R.I.P once again...❤❤❤ 


As you all know, a few cities and the Caribbean is being threatened by Hurricane Irma, Katie and Jose. And I live in one of those cities who will be dealing with Hurricane Irma in a few hours. So, please pray for me, my family and everyone else, such as( Houston, Saint Martin and etc.)Who was hit and will be hit by Hurricane Irma. We'll need it. Also, I will be gone for awhile and I'll not be able to update or write. So, gad bless y'all and goodbye.


@aaliyahfan_19 you're welcome. Be safe.


@phrissy7684 Thanks I appreciate it 