
"MissCris: The ninth chapter of a story that is getting more love than I would have expected and I owe ..."


@SKarolism.  Thanks, Sara, for reading Love Heals a Naughty Girl, and I am pleased that you like it so far.
          Don't worry about your English proficiency now. Writing is a craft, and English is the chosen vehicle many of us use.
          Apply the rules of grammar but not so strictly as to strangle your story of its natural expression.
          And do a lot of reading of what writers are doing today.
          Enjoy my story. It and others are all filled with surprises.


Thank you so much for fanning me Sara! It means the world to me and I'm forever grateful for your support and love, your an angel and I cannot thank you enough! ♥
          I really hope you enjoy my stories and please don't be afraid to give feedback, I hope you continue to show your support, and check out my other work! =)
          If you have Facebook my pg is; and my group is;