




@Shaboopie_Boop_ join the club. Btw while u were away I suffered hiking through Australiain bush, in mountains with a 20 kilo pack to carry. Then I got three bull ant bites and have been deprived of any form of sugar. Then we went to a remote location where the people there made us do manual labor and then said that we voulenteered to do it. The tasks included; careful destruction, brick gathering, looking after a 5 year old that called my face pretty twice. That is the first compliment I have gotten from a guy in not related to and it’s a 5 year old. Also we had a guy there that looked and sounded like one of the few good teachers at my school so that was ok. While hiking we saw 2 different spiders both carrying babies on there backs at our campsite so yay for my arachnophobia. Then after we came back from the camp I got harassed by half my class because I. Forgot that I was carrying the peaches we were supossed to have on the porridge while hiking, cried silently 5 times and no one noticed and felt like an even bigger walking pile of trash. Sorry just felt like talking about my crummy camp. Did I mention we had a sexist teacher? He looked at the girls in my class and said that girls can ride bikes, but you guys can’t, even though he hadn’t seen us ride. Then he went home instead of sleeping at the campgrounds. And was a all round piece of poop. I will stop now, have you ever had a bad camp? Anyways anything else happen besides tiredness and hunger?


Tired and hungry