Uuurgh... alright, I'm awake, where am I?

Wattpad, right...

Gimme a second here... Okay, I'm a Fantasy writer. My work is based on Joseph Campbell's theory of the monomyth, which I understand to mean that the subconscious imagery of dreams matches the archetypal imagery of mythology. Which is another way of saying that the psychological archetypes of Jungian theory are interchangeable with the mystical imagery of every human religion and culture. The theory goes on to suggest that individuation (that is, the psychological process of becoming an individual) is culturally progressive, i.e that successive generations of humans are incrementally "more individual" than those before. The upshot being that the personal mythology of one modern human is theoretically as detailed as the mythology of an entire ancient culture.

What this means in short is that I see Fantasy writing as a form of psychological portraiture. The point is to conjure fictional characters who are as psychologically real as possible. Where the subject is a single protagonist, then the external Fantasy world is a mirror of their internal state. Where the subject is an abstract concept, it will be represented in the form of a psychologically "real" character, where the context and potential variation of its meaning are mirrored in the Fantasy setting. Currently, I'm working on a mash-up, using an ensemble cast to explore Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (if that helps clarify what I'm on about).

If not, don't worry; it's all epic high Fantasy packed with adventure, heroics, romance, magic and monsters. Dig in and have fun.

...And if you like my work here, do check out my links: I have well over a dozen other books in this vein available online.
  • London, United Kingdom
  • انضمAugust 26, 2014

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