Hi this is a Wattpad account owned by two people, Sara and Belle. We write Various types of stories such as mystery, comedy, fantasy, romantics, horror, anime oneshots and scenarios. We also have tiktok account @spiritualdoves the both of us also share that account. We want to grow as authors and be able to sell books and create movies based on our books in the future. Join us on our journey to make our dream come true
  • IscrittoMarch 1, 2022


Ultimo messaggio
SaraAndBellewrites SaraAndBellewrites Mar 31, 2022 02:49AM
Hello, we were wondering what type of stories would you like me and Sara to write? - Belle
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Storie di SaraAndBellewrites
Random anime characters x reader di SaraAndBellewrites
Random anime characters x reader
Made by Sara. Like the title says I'm making anime characters x reader so be sure to recommend some anime boy...
A murder in Paris di SaraAndBellewrites
A murder in Paris
Made by Belle. This story is about a girl named Cassie, she went on vacation to Paris, and got an vacation ho...
Detectives in love di SaraAndBellewrites
Detectives in love
Made by Belle, this is a storyline of two detecives paired up to solve a case, but end up falling in love, bu...
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