this message may be offensive
I just needed to say this somewhere in the world yet have my family and friends not know about it and this is about as anonymous as I can get: sexuality is so hard to figure out. I'm twenty years old and until this summer I thought I was straight, but now I don't know, man. I used to have such a stigma about how you should know your sexuality and gender since the moment you could socialize. Cause you were born this way, ya know?? But now, I had an epiphany that gender and sexuality are a spectrum and I don't know what to do or how to figure this out or what the fuck I am. And apparently this is common. Many people question their identity for something that wasn't an issue until recently. We are all just tryna figure ourselves out and are all valid. I just needed to say my struggle outloud. I hope everyone's treating themselves well in this hectic year.

@ShyAwkwardTurtle been awhile since I've been on wattpad and since we've talked, but I hope you're doing okay