FAREWELL (for now)
Hey everyone! Kara here.
It has been a long (long, long, looong) time since you heard from this account. Unfortunately university has been keeping me super busy, so much so that I hardly have time for reading, and I have to carve out the hours for writing. My studies are only going to become more time-consuming as the pandemic continues, so I regret to inform you all that The Peacock Show is discontinued until further notice.
I truly loved what we did here, but since my co-host left unexpectedly a year ago, only two people have volunteered to keep the show running with me, and it’s a huge task for only three people. I’ll be keeping this account up in the hopes that some day this will change, and I can continue the show. It has been a privilege to meet such talented writers as you guys, and I wish you all the best on your journeys ❤️
Don’t be strangers. I’m still going to be active on my personal account @KaraCarreira :)
Until next time,
Kara ✨