Screw long introductions. I'm just a rock who likes to write about stuff too alien for sane people to think about.
  • The ugly but important planet Earth
  • IscrittoFebruary 12, 2016

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The_World_Slicer The_World_Slicer Mar 02, 2019 07:42PM
You know what? I'm gonna start writing here again. My style and skill have improved, and I'm ready to blow your mind. And by your I mean everyone collectively reading this. Get ready, 'coz I'm a bit...
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Storie di The_World_Slicer
Tell a Story Get a Story di The_World_Slicer
Tell a Story Get a Story
TASGAS is, being honest, a method of practice for me to get better with my writing. So... I'll just explain i...
D   e   e   p    S   t   u   f   f di The_World_Slicer
D e e p S t u f f
If you're feeling really meta then you've come to the right place (Did you see the meme? DID YA?!) Sorry, I...
The C.O.P.S di The_World_Slicer
The C.O.P.S
The C.O.P.S, the perfect organization for monster-slaying, people saving, and keeping important secrets secre...