
Guys I am nervous about the midterm exam and I wasn't in the mood for the update of the Sailor Moon fanfic that I was currently cooking today folks.
          	I'm sorry for the delay but this would be taken for a while and also let me remind you that those 3 chapters that were published were all prologue because there are twists things might happen and ye just wait for it.


Guys I am nervous about the midterm exam and I wasn't in the mood for the update of the Sailor Moon fanfic that I was currently cooking today folks.
          I'm sorry for the delay but this would be taken for a while and also let me remind you that those 3 chapters that were published were all prologue because there are twists things might happen and ye just wait for it.


this message may be offensive
So... Uhh it's been long time no see lmao. 
          Ever since I take a lot of frickin break, I honestly don't think I could update so many stories because there are so many things that you really need to know about me and not only haters shitting on my wasted life but also getting betrayed by my friend who had a balls of steel to expose my secrets in YouTube.
          Whatever fuck all of them... So uhh... Will you still let me continue those stories? I was writing those garbage fanfics back on my 14-16's and I'm 18 rn so... Maybe I can cook fanfics as well? Not really sure.




Hey man you going to updated the broly story the path of redemption?
          Also idk if you play dragon ball the breakers but DBS broly coming to the game in all his glory. 
          Also words of encouragement just igorne haters of your stories and don't let anyone stop you from working on your stories and much love to you brother.
          I hope you come back and work on your  broly redemption story? It's been a really long time.


@twisterblake2015 I did and yes I kinda reviewed the first chapter so I'll do my best to make the second chapter 


It's been long time that I didn't upload stories, and yes like I said. I cancelled all of them due to a massive mental breakdown I've been through in this hellish life I suffered, I don't feel depression, I felt burnt out and oppressed by those clowns in internet who cancelled my ass for multiple times, if you wish to talk to me, then talk but I am not going to continue my stories since it's so illiterate, one-sided characters that are crossovered by force.
          I'm sorry but this is a serious announcement and I hope you understand it with comprehension. (Didn't meant to make a longest sentence)


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@LegendarySaiyan9576 Don't want to seem rude or mean, but getting cancelled and getting hate is not something that compels you to put your shit down and sulk in a corner. My friends have always made me the person to laugh at constantly and they've ridiculed me and made me look like a fool in front of many. Despite that, I continued doing what I wanted to do,  (obviously I tried youtube but like I just don't have the content or the personality for it, and I also got made fun of because of it, same with my Wattpad stories) and I may have the definition of getting cancelled completely upside-down but what my point is, don't just give up because people told you so. It's the worst thing you can possibly do to yourself, where did your ambition go? Your goals? Your dreams? You can't just get rid of them because others said so. Take a break if you need to but you can't give up like this.


Hey! Uhh..sorry for this Unexpected message but i just wanted to say i really like books! They are really Interesting as well even though some of them are short ;-;. But keep up the good work!✨


@star_lightshine36 all of them are discontinued since I am still busy managing my YouTube channel, my bad