
Hi guys, just wanna tell that I will delete some of my stories or probably make remake of them(not sure um..) because heck IT'S SO BAD WRITING AND CLICHÉ LMAO
          	I was literally dying of laughter in front of my stories because it's just, wtf. For example Little Demon, there's literally none of characters development,everything is going to fast,nothing is really logic, it's just so much bad writing.. And let's be honest it's cliché as hell.
          	 For the "Kidnapping AU" 
          	Same, everything is going to fast, it's just not logic at all. There's nothing pretty much interesting expect the characters's relationship, but the fact is even the relationships are not really interesting, because there's nothing developed in. 
          	And it's the same thing with literally all my stories, that's why I will delete them. 
          	For the "separate" one I'll keep it because there's actually some development in(like the backstories, how the characters interact with each others,ect...), and it's not really a book but an "Ask Them" so I guess it's fine 
          	For the "Love it's life" well I'm hesitating but I guess I'll keep it. And just continued it with obviously funny moments (which is actually the main point of the comic, make laugh people) or maybe some more serious moments but developed, logic, and all
          	That was all for me, bye!


@GamerCraftuwu  the funny thing was that there is only a 8% chance of a kidnapped person falling in love with there kidnapper.
          	  (Just some science, nothing more-)


Hi guys, just wanna tell that I will delete some of my stories or probably make remake of them(not sure um..) because heck IT'S SO BAD WRITING AND CLICHÉ LMAO
          I was literally dying of laughter in front of my stories because it's just, wtf. For example Little Demon, there's literally none of characters development,everything is going to fast,nothing is really logic, it's just so much bad writing.. And let's be honest it's cliché as hell.
           For the "Kidnapping AU" 
          Same, everything is going to fast, it's just not logic at all. There's nothing pretty much interesting expect the characters's relationship, but the fact is even the relationships are not really interesting, because there's nothing developed in. 
          And it's the same thing with literally all my stories, that's why I will delete them. 
          For the "separate" one I'll keep it because there's actually some development in(like the backstories, how the characters interact with each others,ect...), and it's not really a book but an "Ask Them" so I guess it's fine 
          For the "Love it's life" well I'm hesitating but I guess I'll keep it. And just continued it with obviously funny moments (which is actually the main point of the comic, make laugh people) or maybe some more serious moments but developed, logic, and all
          That was all for me, bye!


@GamerCraftuwu  the funny thing was that there is only a 8% chance of a kidnapped person falling in love with there kidnapper.
            (Just some science, nothing more-)


Okay guys, sorry for not being active, I was a bit busy cause of school and all, plus I'm going a remake of the Cover for "Everything for you AU" but now, I will try my best to uplead my stories uwu 


@GamerCraftuwu I know I'm late for this but hey it's fine school is important though some may think it's not


It's okay friend^^


@ Blood_wolf246  Thank you qwq 


Hey guys! I just want to tell that I will soon posted a new story about a Slendytubbies AU 
          The AU is named "Kidnapping AU" but it is not gonna be a "book" but a Comic Page!  
          If you guys have questions about the AU and how I'm gonna do the comic and others things like that, you can just ask! 


@GamerCraftuwu  OK
            I'm excited to see it