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Hey guys sorry again. My papers are building up and some shit just happened. Some of my friends where driving to get there hair done but didn't make it there. My friends tori missed a (really hard to see) stop sine and hot hit by another car. The girl Emily in the passenger seat died at the crash cite, skylar in the back was in the ICU but now, I'm getting conflicting information, but I think he's ok in another wing at Saint v's and tori got out with a broken leg. Both tori and skylar are in my band. Tori was my old section leader when I played the flute, and skylar was going to be my new section leader (when I was planing on switching to sax not mello) still tori is so positive and skylar I could always go to when I needed to talk to dork one and he always have great advice. Alright sorry about the rant. Please for anyone that is ok with praying keep them in your prayers.