Halloo! I'm Shona. I love to read and write. I write too many stories that I never know i'll finish, i just hope i do, and i hope people'll like them.  I love the idea of wattpad, its really great. I love John Frusciante, Stone Gossard, Chris Cornell, Mike Patton, Les Claypool and  Brandon Boyd. I like a bit too many things im probably going to fanfic and write about honestly. I'm a bit of a crazy, a derelict, and all of that mythicality. 

Er, and follow my tumblr! i have that. itsbatteryacidyouslime.tumblr.com
  • IscrittoJuly 30, 2012

Ultimo messaggio
Zombiesamongus Zombiesamongus Sep 25, 2013 12:48AM
school is such a drag
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