Heyo!! welcome to my profile! My name is Penelope and I am ✨13✨ years old. My birthday is August 23rd. I am a virgo-leo cusp. I love writing and reading (obviously), I also like playing video games and music. My favorite genres of books are, mysteries, thrillers and fantasy.
  • Canada
  • انضمMarch 20, 2023


الرسالة الأخيرة
_Penny_23 _Penny_23 Dec 14, 2024 07:45PM
YoyoyoSo you know how I said to expect the first chapter of the rewrite of The Haunted Door soon? Well it's not going to be soon. I've been doing a lot of things other than writing, and I don't real...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Duck
The Haunted Door بقلم _Penny_23
The Haunted Door
Amelia Stone was walking to school one day and she saw a door. Just a random door, no house. She hears a voic...
Book Come Real بقلم _Penny_23
Book Come Real
Tori Blackwood, a normal human girl. All she did was find a leather book in her school's library. She never e...
The New Girl بقلم _Penny_23
The New Girl
Rhea was bullied at her school for the way she looked, She had light pink eyes and white streaks in her hair...
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