

Will you come back on Wattpad and update your books? It's been FOUR freaking months! I don't mean to be rude or anything but I just wanted to finish reading that book. 
          Love, Kashish ❤


OMG, I'm so sorry about that. What story were you reading? I was promoted in my day job and it's hella demanding. I'm really sorry.  


I apologize if I can't read your whole book. I will read a couple of chapters and give my opinion. I will continue reading the stories that interest me and feature those that I think are really exceptional only after I'm done fulfilling all requests that are now piled in my reading list.


Hi, please be informed I am not going to give emphasis on your grammar mistake unless it's too bad that I can't tolerate.  The thing I guarantee to give you is my honest thoughts about your story plot and how effective it is to me. So if you're looking for a grammar police, I think there's someone out there more credible than me. So far @sandydragon1 gave me a strong one.


For the next few days, I am going to change few things in my published chapters, so I'm sorry if I can't upload chapter 12 for the meantime.  I received a very good feedback about being it too fast-paced. I decided to tone it down a bit. Arigato Gozaimazu.