I am 19 years old. My favorite genre for all mediums of fiction is science fiction. This should be reflected quite obviously in the works on my page.

I have always loved reading, and making up my own stories is just as fun. Over time, I tried writing but could never reach the point that some of my favorite authors hit. They were just so good! So inventive! So great at crafting words! But recently I realized that I have my own style. And how am I going to fix my writing flaws if I never write?

So, welcome to my page, where stories spring from my mind and grow...and hopefully thrive.
  • انضمSeptember 17, 2014

قصص بقلم Ezekiel Dean
Book of Poems بقلم ezekieljd
Book of Poems
A collection of poems I have written. It's kind of a mix of romantic, emotional, silly, and just some random...
+9 أكثر
Redemption بقلم ezekieljd
A short story about a villain who seeks redemption after killing a superhero.
Eight بقلم ezekieljd
The small, post-apocalyptic village of Hope has a problem. All of their children have suddenly stopped surviv...
ranking #358 في intelligence إظهار جميع المراتِب
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