I love books. They take you to a life a million times more interesting than yours will ever be.

But sometimes even books can't comfort you. That's where friends come in.

My definition of a friend is someone you can tease all the time and they tease you back. Someone who laughs at your embarrassing moments and somehow makes you think that they are not so embarrassing after all.. Someone who will make you really angry one second and the next second makes you laugh your head off. Someone who picks you up when you fall and tells you everything will be ok.

I have one golden rule in life:
If someone treats you nicely, be ready to sacrifice anything for them. (Yes, I can be that angel-like)
And whwn someone mistreats you, show them who's the boss. And I always manage to get revenge and be even no matter how hard it is. (Yes, I can also be that devil-like) So I have two extremely extreme extremes.

I am a silly little girl. Not really little but I always like to act like a child. I become a girl with girls. I act like a boy when I'm with boys. And can be a total kid when there are kids around.

The kids call me a joker. Not because I look like one, in case you're wondering. I have a really good sarcastic sense of humor.
I'll always make you feel better if you're sad. I will try my best to help you. But if you get on my bad side, then I can be a mean old bully.

I'm also very good at guessing things. I am The Great Guesser

Oops. Long description. Sorry.

Just one more thing: SCORPIOS ROCK!!!

Good day to you all.
  • saudi arabia
  • Se ha unidoDecember 28, 2017

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fluffy_pink_MONSTER fluffy_pink_MONSTER Dec 26, 2018 06:39AM
Burn meAnd I'll riseFrom my own ashesBreak meAnd I'll cut youWith my own pieces
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