
Hi! I’m more active on AO3 if you want to check out my new book there! It’s flyingthrulife 


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I’m this fucking close to giving up 


@flyingthrulife Hey, think about things okay? I'm always here for you and if you want to talk I'll always be open to talk to you and help. I may not be the best and just some random stranger on Wattpad but I care for you. People will be sad if you go, you'll be missed. You're so important and you should try fighting for as long as you can. I believe in and support you


“You don’t drown by falling in water. You drown by staying there.” Someone told me that once, and it made me think.


i know nobody sees these. i’m in a really dark place, my mind is so messed up. i’m not sleeping, my thoughts are so loud. i’ve thought about actually ending it all. i’ve thought about harming myself. i never went through but the thought still scares me. i was okay but it’s like i’m slowly breaking again...


@flyingthrulife I’m right here. I know what you are going through, I know it sucks, and I know everything may seem hopeless. I’m ALWAYS here, and I’m sure many of the ppl on wattpad care too. Come talk if u want ❤️❤️❤️❤️


            Come talk to me, I'll listen when nobody else will. Or anytime tbh


So those of you who are in the Vanoss fan base, I’m sure y’all know who MiniLadd is. Well on Twitter, his ex Suni and several other girls came out saying he was a pedophile. I’ve seen two girls so far show proof of them being 16-17 and Craig texting them and asking for nudes or sending his own nudes. If you go to Suni’s Twitter, you can find the whole story. This is absolutely disgusting and if you still support a pedophile, please unfollow me.


I see a lot of people still reading It Hurts so instead of y’all having to cringe at my own mistakes on either spelling or something that is completely incorrect with the syndrome it covers, I will be editing it! With all this time on my hands, I may as well put my brain to work instead of letting it get stupid during quarantine lmfaooo


So I’m currently working on a new poetry piece called Sixteen. It’s about me and my struggles through my sixteens years of existence with depression and anxiety. It’s kind of like a diary. Very personal but if it helps someone then there’s a success. Anyways, please read it, would love some feedback! <3 


@flyingthrulife would love to read it! Support mode on... 


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Years ago I would’ve jumped at the opportunity to tell you that my life is shit but nowadays, I’m hesitant to let someone know that I’m not okay. 


@flyingthrulife It's not always words. Sometimes it's the things we do. 