
After a long and hard decision, I have decided to delete a number of my stories and only edit the few stories I will decide to keep. I want to recreate this account and not limit it to fanfiction. If I can find the time to not be lazy and actually write during my free time (because I'm currently working on an acting workshop with 3 meetings per week) then I might post some original stories with original characters ect ect. I hope ya'll understand. I'm sure you guys won't miss the stories much but I did think it would be rude to just drop the stories without any warning. So yeah, I hope you all understand. :)


After a long and hard decision, I have decided to delete a number of my stories and only edit the few stories I will decide to keep. I want to recreate this account and not limit it to fanfiction. If I can find the time to not be lazy and actually write during my free time (because I'm currently working on an acting workshop with 3 meetings per week) then I might post some original stories with original characters ect ect. I hope ya'll understand. I'm sure you guys won't miss the stories much but I did think it would be rude to just drop the stories without any warning. So yeah, I hope you all understand. :)


@cashtonmallows just saw this now Hahahhahahahhahah geh. Pag di ako tinamad 


Okay, I know I promised an update but I can't seem to find the time or inspiration but I have most of the updates um.... kind of done? haha. Sorry. Honestly, I'd love to update but for now I'm going to fix some of the stories first. Really sorry!! I just, feel uncomfortable reading through some of them and I see mistakes and such so... Yeah. 
          I also have a line of new stories made but obviously I wont be attempting to add more since I have so many outdated ones already. QwQ
          Sorry again! Thanks for being patient with me. :)))


Hello! I just read Face Down, the Spamano fanfiction you wrote. I think it's really good, and I know for a fact that 22 other people agree with me. Have you read your comments on the 2 nd chapter? *Smiles* Please read them~


Hehe. Alright, alright. I'll try and get to work on it. :)


Hello~ The name is Mai Otaku its nice to meet u!*Smiles and bows* ((Haha, is Hetalia good? I feel like im missing out if i don't watch it.. I mean i watch naruto and ... naruto~! And im starting to watch Fairy Tail..))


It's nice to meet you too! I'm Akiyo, (( HETALIA IS AWESOME! XD lol. I'm trying to watch Fairytale but I have no time. :P so Naruto is one anime we have in common then!  =D ))