
Wanted to say hello to the new people and thank you to both the old and new for following me. Haven't been on this site in a minute so I have to get re-acclimated to this place. IRYD is in sloth-mode editing. Let's just go with something about perfectionism here. Okay? Alright. 
          	Anyhoo, feel free to drop me a line and whatnot.


Wanted to say hello to the new people and thank you to both the old and new for following me. Haven't been on this site in a minute so I have to get re-acclimated to this place. IRYD is in sloth-mode editing. Let's just go with something about perfectionism here. Okay? Alright. 
          Anyhoo, feel free to drop me a line and whatnot.


I am like Bad Luck Brian with editors right now! So I will just go ahead and upload the revised chapters to I Read Your Diary and just hope it makes more sense and flows better. If not and I'm told that it's worse, I'll just unleash the Kraken on you all or something and call it a night. 


Me muse is back! So excited to writing again the only bad part is that it's the tail end of my vacay so I'll prolly be back to late night writing. Anyhoos, About That will be updated shortly. Editing chapter 5 as we speak. =D 
          And if you haven't read About That yet, I say get to it! Tell a friend, tell a friend's friend to read it as well. =]