
Hey, Not Love a Business Contract (now Dancing with Time), Fam! 
          	Keeping my promise of updating every Monday feels amazing!   I think this is a sustainable schedule, and I'm excited to share that there are only about 15 chapters left until Juliet and Keith's story wraps up. 
          	I've tried something NEW in the latest chapter, "Rekindling Love," by including other POVs.   Tell me what you think!  Do you like the new style?  Should I do more of this?
          	Life's been good! ☀️ Spent the weekend at the beach and got a bit sunburned, but the ocean was so healing. 
          	See you next Monday for the next update!  Keep sending your love and thoughts! 
          	 #DancingWithTime #Wattpad #NewChapter #AuthorUpdate #BeachVibes
          	Interactive Elements:
          	Poll: Do you want to see more chapters with multiple POVs?
          	No, I prefer the original style.
          	I'm not sure yet.
          	With bookish love,
          	Zaylin Silver


@sweetiezee hello, thanks for updating. The only POV i think you should include is Keith's. I think other povs are taking away from the original story (especially very far characters, for example amanda, grace or blake...)
          	  So excited for your next updates. Have a good day.


Hey, Not Love a Business Contract (now Dancing with Time), Fam! 
          Keeping my promise of updating every Monday feels amazing!   I think this is a sustainable schedule, and I'm excited to share that there are only about 15 chapters left until Juliet and Keith's story wraps up. 
          I've tried something NEW in the latest chapter, "Rekindling Love," by including other POVs.   Tell me what you think!  Do you like the new style?  Should I do more of this?
          Life's been good! ☀️ Spent the weekend at the beach and got a bit sunburned, but the ocean was so healing. 
          See you next Monday for the next update!  Keep sending your love and thoughts! 
           #DancingWithTime #Wattpad #NewChapter #AuthorUpdate #BeachVibes
          Interactive Elements:
          Poll: Do you want to see more chapters with multiple POVs?
          No, I prefer the original style.
          I'm not sure yet.
          With bookish love,
          Zaylin Silver


@sweetiezee hello, thanks for updating. The only POV i think you should include is Keith's. I think other povs are taking away from the original story (especially very far characters, for example amanda, grace or blake...)
            So excited for your next updates. Have a good day.


Hey, Not Love a Business Contract (now Dancing with Time), Fam!
          I know it's been a while since I've updated Keith and Juliet's story. Between my master's degree, work, and taking care of two energetic pups, my schedule has been a bit of a whirlwind lately.   I want to apologize for the delay and assure you that I haven't forgotten about our favorite couple!
          In the meantime, I'm excited to share that Dancing with Time has been submitted to the Watty Awards 2024!  Your support would mean the world to me, so please keep your fingers crossed. 
          I'm also working hard to carve out some dedicated writing time each week, and I hope to start posting new chapters every Monday. Stay tuned for more updates on Keith and Juliet's journey! 
          P.S.  Don't be a stranger!  Follow me on Instagram at @zaylinsilver 
          With bookish love,
          Zaylin Silver
           #DancingWithTime #Wattys2024 #AuthorsLife


@sweetiezee wow that's good news 
            You deserve it 


Hey, Not Love a Business Contract (now Dancing with Time), Fam!
          I just wanted to drop a quick line and let you know I haven't vanished into the abyss (although juggling exams, research papers, healthy meals, and the gym can definitely make you feel that way!). Speaking of exams, they've kept me busy, but fear not—I'm determined to keep the story rolling!
          Here's the update:
          Expect 1-2 chapters a week, starting with a new one next week!
          I'm craving your feedback, so please keep voting and commenting on the latest chapters. Your thoughts fuel my writing fire!
          Get ready for more Keith and Juliet love, along with a brand new antagonist, Cassandra, to stir things up!
          Thanks for your patience and support. Can't wait to share the next chapter with you all!
          P.S.  Don't be a stranger!  Follow me on Instagram at @zaylinsilver 
          With bookish love,
          Zaylin Silver


Hey, Not Love a Business Contract (now Dancing with Time), Fam!
          Double digits, baby! Who knew I had it in me to churn out 10 chapters this week?   Honestly, I underestimated your insatiable appetite for Keith, Juliet, and everyone's favorite villain, Lucas (let the hate flow freely in the comments, haha!).
          But before we dive into next week's drama, a girl's gotta take a breather!  This author needs a three-day recharge to replenish the creativity well.   The next update will be gracing your screens on Tuesday, so mark your calendars! ️
          Balancing writing with real life can be a struggle (who knew laundry wouldn't fold itself?), but seeing you guys devour the story makes it all worth it.   Tell me in the comments below what your favorite moment with Keith and Juliet has been so far.
          And speaking of showing love, don't forget to shower those chapters with votes and comments!  Your feedback is my golden ticket – it fuels the fire and keeps the story rolling.
          P.S.  Don't be a stranger!  Follow me on Instagram at @zaylinsilver  for sneak peeks, character mood boards, and maybe even a juicy poll or two!
          See you all on Tuesday!
          With bookish love,
          Zaylin Silver


Hey, Not Love a Business Contract (now Dancing with Time), Fam!
          The passionate journey of Keith and Juliet continues to unfold online, and after a decade of pouring my heart into their story, I'm thrilled to take it to the next level!
          Get ready to dive deeper into their world! I've launched a brand new Instagram account specifically dedicated to all things Keith & Juliet. Get ready for exclusive sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes insights, and the chance to connect with fellow fans and me directly!
          (Follow me at @zaylinsilver to join the fun! When the account goes live)
          But that's not all! To help spread the love and introduce Keith & Juliet to even more readers, I'd be incredibly grateful if you could share this announcement with your friends who enjoy sizzling romances.
          Your support has meant the world to me over the years, and your continued help is invaluable.
          Zaylin Silver 
          P.S.  Get ready for another chapter dropping tonight! Keep your eyes peeled!


Definitely! Thanks for the chapter update 


Hey, Not Love a Business Contract (now Dancing with Time), Fam!
          Beach bum by day, editor by night!  After a much-needed spa escape and some toes-in-the-sand chill time, I'm back and ready to dive into more edits for your favorite love story.
          Now, while I'm revved up, I still gotta pace myself with the chapter releases. Don't worry, though, I wouldn't leave you hanging for too long!
          Speaking of hanging, let's chat!   Your support over the years has been my fuel, and I want to make sure Dancing with Time keeps ticking all the right boxes for you.
          So, here's the deal: Hit me with your love (votes and comments, woo hoo!) on the existing chapters. Let me know what you're loving, what questions you have, or even if you spot any typos hiding in the story. (Hey, I'm only human!)
          The more you interact, the more I can tailor the story to your amazing selves!
          P.S.  Get ready for another chapter dropping tonight! Keep your eyes peeled!


Hey, Not Love a Business Contract (now Dancing with Time), Fam!
          Guess what? I may have gotten a little carried away last week with those 10 epic chapter drops!  My eyes are begging for mercy from all that screen time.
          While writing is my happy place, my body's sending major SOS signals.   Aching fingers and blurry vision are no fun!
          So, this weekend is all about self-care and a digital detox .  Gotta recharge those batteries so I can keep bringing you the Dancing with Time goodness you love.
          Don't worry, no empty promises here!  I fully expect to be back in fighting form by Monday, ready to tackle edits and unleash some new chapters your way.
          We might not hit double digits next week, but you can definitely expect a fresh batch of updates coming soon!
          Thanks for understanding, and stay tuned! ❤️


Loving all the updates 


To all my Not Love a Business Contract (now Dancing with Time) fans!!!
          Life's been a whirlwind (who can relate? ), but guess what? I snagged some precious free time this week and that means... NEW CHAPTERS ARE COMING!
          Look forward to a fresh batch of edited chapters hitting the shelves (well, the internet!) as I crank them out this week. Patience is a virtue, and yours is truly appreciated, especially with my MIA tendencies over the past few years.
          Here's the deal: No empty promises. Just as many chapters as I can humanly write while the time is right. ✍️
          Stay tuned, and thanks for your incredible love and support! You guys are the best. ❤️


@sweetiezee just don't be MIA FOR A LONG TIME 
            WELCOME BACK 