"Here, take your boy back. He's not a happy camper with me, it seems. Wouldn't even sing me a song! So rude, right? That wasn't a question. Besides, he's no use to me now. He's pretty much dead already."
| 'Chapter 18: Pretty Much Dead Already' |
| 'War of the Times' |
* Finished Projects *
[ A Strained Nightmare 1/1 - 06/17/2020 ]
[ The Book Is 𝙵̶𝚘̶𝚛̶𝚎̶𝚟̶𝚎̶𝚛̶ Over 1/1 - 10/23/2020 ]
[ The House on Altman Street 1/1 - 07/29/2022 ]
[ I'm Glad I'm Alone 1/1 - 07/31/2022 ]
[ "You wanna try Skittles flavoured weed Hargrove?" 1/1 - 08/09/2022]
[ "You are so pretty Billy Hargrove." 1/1 - 08/11/2022 ]
[ (Un)Deserving of Love 1/1 - 10/02/2022 ]
[ Shrink Into Your Mind, Hold Yourself There Tightly 1/1 - 10/21/2022 ]
[ Imagine 1/1 - 11/01/2022 ]
[ Single Flower Blooming 1/1 - 01/19/2023 ]
[ What A Cruel Reality 1/1 - 01/20/2023 ]
[ Pawprints Across Hardwood Floors and Hearts 1/1 - 01/22/2023 ]
[ Similarly Different 1/1 - 04/09/2024 ]
[ Crashing and Burning 1/1 - 04/21/2024 ]
[ I Wanna Be Happy; Could You Show Me How Its Done? 1/1 - 10/19/2024 ]
> In the visible works <
[ War of the Times - 11/30 ]
[ Wanna Get High Together? - 15/? ]
< In the hidden works >
[ From The Moment We Met, It Was You - 0/1 ]
[ Wish I Were Heather - 0/1 ]
[ Dear Diary, My Wife's A Murderer - 0/15 ]
[ What If... Doctor Strange Remembered? - 0/1 ]
[ Itchy Spiderling - 0/1 ]
[ Cas Like Reflexes - 0/1 ]
Happy reading <3
Love you all
- hiding out on my little planet
- Дата регистрацииJune 30, 2016
- website: www.twitter.com/prettylitbirdie/
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I have no words... War of the Times hit 1k reads, and I couldn't be more grateful to everyone who has taken the time to sit down and read my book. It's still so shocking to me that there are folks wh...Посмотреть все беседы
Истории от tacoyoyos
- 17 Опубликованных историй

I Wanna Be Happy; Could You Show M...
Disclaimer: Unfortunately despite looking thoroughly and reverse image searching, I was unable to find the or...

Wanna Get High Together?
Wanna Get High Together? follows short takes I wrote during times on the devil's lettuce, soaring through the...
ещё +2

The House on Altman Street
503 Altman Street
The address number of the abandoned house on the very end of Altman Street. The house lays...
ещё +16