I.... don't really know what to say.. Oh! I know!!!! I love my family and my friends and I specially care for my cousin! She's the bestest person ever!

-has worked for and beat up Satan
-become a bloodthirsty monster(the apocalyptic episode)
-obsessed with popularity
-daughter of jerry smith and Beth smith nee Sanchez
-sister of morty
-granddaughter to rick Sanchez
-sometimes feminist
-saved rick in the episode where morty became a dad.
  • C-137
  • IscrittoMay 22, 2017

Ultimo messaggio
thatcatscousin thatcatscousin Oct 09, 2017 07:35PM
Haaalllloooo friends!
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Storia di R&M_Summer
Rick and morty di thatcatscousin
Rick and morty
Oneshotssssss! One shots can go from kid friendly to mature!
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