44. everybody dies

141 10 41


fiona monez-

"i gotta finish cutting your hair come on" i say as I get up and take the scissors again. my intrusive thoughts started to kick in cut yourself. kill yourself with those scissors. slice your arms. i knew it wasn't healthy but i couldn't help it. i had some intrusive thoughts before but recently it's been more. i didnt wanna tell a doctor at the hospital because I knew they would keep me in longer and I wanted to see everybody. they went away pretty easily and before I knew it I was done cutting harry's hair.

"i gotta go I'll see you tomorrow" i say before he could even get up and see his new hair. which I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself. the most I've ever cut hair was a little and it was slanted.

i walked out of his house where the sun was setting and the clouds were gray and cloudy. i passed the guards determined to find out everything. I'm sick of my dad not telling me anything. why did he leave me? i wanna know everything. what happened to mom.

i walked inside the house and immediately went upstairs to find him at my bedroom door.

"oh hi sweetheart I was just gonna ask if you-"

"why did you leave me?" i say interrupting him and getting straight to the point. my fingers wiggling out of all the anxiety and anger floating around and invading my whole body.

"fiona...i didn't" he says in a caring voice.

"yes you did, you left me, you fake died and I had to go to the most horrible foster homes" i say as I walk past him and go in my room and he follows me.

"oh come on fiona, they weren't that bad were they?" he said his hand on his hip as he shut the door.

"um I don't know I think getting raped and getting beat almost everyday was pretty bad, don't you think?" i snap back at him.

"fiona...i wanted to make this whole community for you. i wanted this to be better for you" he says and i scoff in disbelief.

"you left your daughter...no wait fake died for some buildings?!" i raise my voice.

"no i- in a way yes?"

"also dad this isn't a community! this is pure hell" i say raising my hands and he just stands there.

"what happened to my mom? i know she didn't die of ovarian cancer. what happened to my mom!" i say and he immediately looks down.

"fiona i-" he says stuttering and hesitating.

"oh my god" i say as I walk past him and walk down the stairs being greeted by james.

"you wanna know what happened to your mother, daughter in law?" he says as i walk past him and i stop. i turn around and i see him with a cocky smile.

"so something happened?" i just had a feeling about that but I didn't know that actually something happened.

he nods "oh yeah, something happened. something major. something you won't even believe" he says walking towards me.

"what happened" i say standing my guard and preparing myself for what I might hear right now.

"your father. that's what happened" he says getting closer to me as i take a step back.


"your father killed her" he says with a smile.

"your lying. my dad wouldn't do that..plus your smiling, your crazy" i say scoffing and walking past him.

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