Chapters 6

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Ash allowed himself to be pulled back inside, and Gary allowed the crude comment to slip past him so that he didn't get angry.

"Is that why you're mad? That's kinda cute." Gary tried to ease up the tense mood that seemed to hang around them as he brought them to sit on the couch. Was Gary going to realize that him leaving was not a fucking joke?

"I'm not laughing, Gary. Get to the point please." He said as civilly as he could. Gary sighed loudly, why did talking about feelings have to be so fucking awkward. He wanted to fuck Ash. Plain and simple, there wasn't that much to it. A relationship would ultimately fuck things up, they always do.

"I don't do relationships Ash, I just don't." That's obviously not the words that Ash wanted to hear because he scoffed loudly and jumped up from the couch. "Seriously? I knew that. I know, Gary. I – fuck, I can't do this anymore."

He never gave up, it was like a fucking motto of his ever since he became a pokemon trainer. He wouldn't give up when he was trying to catch them all, he wasn't going to give up getting a gym badge no matter if it seemed impossible. It's just how he was taught by his mother but nothing could make this seem worth trying.

It was just an all around fucked up situation he had caught himself in, he couldn't see getting out of this one unscathed. This wasn't worth it – Gary wasn't worth it. Gary stood up quickly and caught Ash's arm.

"If you know, why are you pushing this? Why?" Ash brought his eyes up to look into Gary's. Tempted to just say that he didn't give a fuck. It was the easiest way out that he could think of, one that was on the tip of his tongue.

Gary was getting impatient with all this unbearable silence from Ash, why wasn't he replying? This was unbelievable. "You're being ridiculous, you knew this is how I was when we started casually fucking."

Ash blinked a few times trying to process what stupidity flew from the Oak's mouth. "You're kidding me, right? Casually? If this was casual you wouldn't be jealous when I go out with Misty."

Gary scratched the back of his head awkwardly, it was so hard to talk to Ash about things like this shit. "Well, exclusively casual? It's just been about sex, I'm gonna leave and we will go on with our lives like we did before I got here. That's how this works, Ash."

Again, not what Ash wanted to hear. "You knew I would get attached, you fuck. It's like you planned all this out." Gary rolled his eyes, yeah, he's an evil fucking mastermind that plots on hittin' it and quittin' his enemies from childhood. Yeah, Gary's crush on Ash grew larger but he couldn't do a relationship, it would be hard to maintain. It would take work and a lot of effort to keep up.

"You were here, I was here, you looked good so I went after you." Gary internally winced when he saw the facial expression Ash was making. Why did he have to be so adorable all the time? It made breaking his heart a lot harder to do.

"I don't believe you, Gary! I – I don't think even you can be incapable of growing feelings for someone you continually have sex with." Gary knew the pokemon master was fucking right but admitting that was like not gonna happen. Like ever.

"Yeah, well, you got into this with me. Why don't you wait it out till the end of the week, maybe your feelings will vanish." Ash looked at him like he was the stupidest fucking person in the entire planet, for real, he seriously was.

"You're the biggest twat I've ever met, Gary. I won't ever have sex with you again." Ash knew that was a huge lie, he would have sex with Gary right now. His emotions were spilling over and seeing Gary angry was really hot. It didn't fucking matter right now though, he wanted to punch Gary more than he wanted to have sex with him.

"I don't believe you, baby." Gary said in a borderline seductive voice, he was obviously trying to charm Ash into staying with him. "Gary, please, don't do this to me." he whispered out as Gary started roaming his hands all over Ash's clothed body.

"Don't make me feel this way for you, please. Just stop, let me go, and let me move on." The sound of his voice made Gary stop his roaming hands instantly. Feeling disgusted with himself, he backed away immediately.

"Yeah, sorry, bye.." he mumbled out dryly, trying to conceal his own hurt feelings at being rejected by Ash. It was like he was in an alternate universe where his feelings could actually be hurt, by someone he vowed he'd never let get under his skin.

Ash got his breathing back under control and spared Gary one last glance, yeah, they both looked pretty fucked up right now. Ash knew Gary felt something for him, but he didn't know what that was exactly.

"Bye." he said in a breathy voice as he grabbed his bag and made his way back to the front door and opening it as wide as it would go. Don't fucking look back, bitch.He told himself in his head as he felt the urge to look back at Gary.

Ash made plans to go back home and drop his stuff of and maybe go make a stop at Misty's to let her know exactly what happened. She would probably rejoice at news that he was no longer in an exclusive casual relationship? Yeah what-the-fuck-ever.

His mom questioned him to see if he was okay, considering the fact that he came home a few days before the scheduled time. Ash walked straight up to his room, effectively ignoring his mom and probably hurting her feelings in the process. Oh well, he'd make it up to her eventually.

Ash picked up the phone and called Misty to see if she was home so he could go cry and tell her everything that went down. She immediately told him to come over that she had nothing going on and was more than willing to help him sort out his new problem.

Misty was now changed into pajamas because who wears normal clothes inside their house? "Hey Ash, my mom's here so lets go up to my room." Misty and Ash sat on the bed quietly for a few moments before Ash started spilling about what a cunt Gary was and what he should do.

"I honestly think you should just move on, Ash. He's an asshole." The pokemon master thought her plan was mediocre at best. Not even worth contemplating on a bad day. "He got under my skin, Misty, I'm seriously in a crisis right now."

Teenage romances were a big fucking deal, if you didn't already know. "Ash, we're still young. Just calm down. He's not the only cocky asshole in the world, believe me."

Misty was slowly making Ash feel a little better, it was like he's never been so close to her in his whole life. The hurt wasn't gone but it was not completely on his mind as he drilled Misty about what was going on with her and Brock.

"Oh my God! Nothing!" Ash laughed loudly. "You don't have to be embarrassed!" Misty looked at Ash for a few moments before leaning in and giving him a small peck on the lips.

"Now you know why I have nothing going on with Brock." Ash was so aware of how close Misty was, and his eyes were wide open with surprise. He honestly couldn't see that one coming, what was he supposed to say to that?

"Ash? Do you think we could try this out?" Ash thought back to all his kisses that he shared with Gary, none of them had been as awkward as this one, not even the first. "What about Gary?" he whispered out in a small voice that sounded so strange to his own ears.

Misty pulled away, rejected. "It's always going to be Gary isn't it?" she asked quietly. Ash sat up straight and pat her back awkwardly. "It is as of right now. I didn't come here for you to be my rebound girl, Misty."

"I don't mind, Ash! I honestly don't!" she stripped off her pajama shirt revealing her naked chest to him. "I want you."

Ash shot up from the bed and took the opportunity to run the fuck out of her bedroom and out of the house. She was obviously out of her goddamn mind, that was the only reason he could come to. His mother had just finished dinner when he got back home.

"There you are, sweetie. Things didn't work at Gary's house? I was sure you were going to become best friends again."

What the fuck? Was today talk about Gary day? No fucking thank you.

"Yeah, things didn't. Can I eat up in my room?" She nodded and handed him a full plate and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

How the hell did things get so fucked up?

Ashyboy, I love you (AshxGary and palletshipping) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now