Chapter 2

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Gary Oak slowly woke up with the feeling of dried cum on his stomach as he re-called the events that took place the previous day. With a grin, he nudged Ash, "Hey, wake up!" Ash's eyes fluttered open and he closed them once again before they popped back open.

"G-Gary?" Ash squeaked out as he attempted to sit up but the Oak held him in place with a sinister grin. "You ready for that bath, Ashy-boy?" The pokemon master blushed, "Yeah, let's go." The two boys stood up and made their way to the bathroom, slowly albeit considering the limp Ash was working with.

The pokemon researcher put the water on a perfect combination of hot and cold and stepped under the spray of water waiting for Ash to join him. Ash picked up the soap puff and started pouring body wash on it, and Gary watched with narrowed eyes as Ash slowly worked the soap onto the puff.

Once the puff had enough soap Ash started washing himself only to be stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist, "Let me do that for you, Ash." The pokemon master shakily gave his ex-rival the puff and watched as he started dragging it across his skin, cleaning him. "Turn around.." Ash faced the wall and felt Gary's other hand wrapped around his waist as the puff was rubbing small circles on his back.

A pair of hot lips pressed against the back of his neck a couple times and a small whisper, "Ash, you can turn around again…" when the pokemon master turned around he was flush against the other male and he bit hip lip.

"G-Gary, we're in the shower." The Oak purred against the boys neck, "I know, sexy isn't it?" Ash's cheeks turned a soft red as he turned his face away from Gary. Ash really didn't know what to say, if he agreed with Gary it could potentially lead to more mind-blowing sex and yes that's what he wanted.

"I'm assuming your blush is answering for you?" Gary whispered hotly into his ear. "I thought…we could go to the park and meet up with some of the other trainers today…" Gary chuckled. "We can, once I'm finished with you." Ash wrapped his arms around Gary and pulled him closer, "Okay…"

With the okay Gary wasted no time in pressing his lips to the others in a rough kiss, which elicited a gasp from Ash, allowing Gary to let his tongue slip into the others mouth, wrapping sensually around Ash's coaxing it into a dance.

Ash let out a moan that was lost into the others mouth as their tongues met with each other in a sensual dance. They split apart and Ash panted lightly as Gary attacked his neck with a flurry of kisses. Ash let out a series of moans before Gary pulled away leaving a hickey to form on the boys neck, lips met each other once again, enjoying the familiarity of each others lips.

The pokemon researcher let his hand slip to Ash's nipples twisting one in between his fingers. He broke the kiss to let out a small moan and bury his face into the crook of Gary's neck.

Gary's hand took Ash's erection into his hand and roughly started pumping it, "Gary!" The Oak grinned and continued to pump it while rubbing his thumb against the slit with his thumb. "G-Gary, I-I'm…" Gary backed away from him and smirked, "No you're not, I won't let you come yet."

Ash stared at him while biting his lip, "Gary…" The pokemon researcher chuckled and pressed their lips together again, before moving his hands down to fondle the boys ass.

He slipped a finger in without hesitation and Ash mewled at the intrusion, Ash was still a little loose from the previous night so he wouldn't need much preparation. Slipping a second finger, he moved his fingers around searching for the boys prostate.

Ash let a loud moan and dug his nails into Gary's shoulders "Just do it already, Gary…" The Oak grinned and brought his cock to Ash's entrance, he pushed inside all the way to the hilt and Ash tightened around him.

Too gone to care now he started thrusting into the tight heat roughly, the sounds of the shower water beating down on them drowned out the slapping noises. Ash wrapped his legs around Gary's waist and arched his back when a particularly rough thrust nailed his prostate.

Ash noticed the hand snake around to start stroking his cock again, feeling his release coming at him he warned Gary right before he blew his load. The streaming water quickly made the jizz wash off Gary's stomach and down the drain. The tightening around his dick made him come inside the boy and release him.

Ash stood up on his legs shakily panting from the sex "I'm gonna wash…" Gary just did a fast triangle wash on his balls and left the shower after giving Ash a kiss. After a few minutes in the shower Ash left and got dressed slowly the pain in his ass making him wince as he bent over to pull on his shoes.

Gary was already dressed and on the couch watching TV and eating a bowl of Fruity Pebbles when Ash walked out. "Hey Gary. . . I need to use your phone so I can call Misty and Brock so we can all go to the park and maybe have a pokemon battle." Gary pointed to the phone on the counter. "Help yourself, although I hate your friends."

Ash sighed even though he was secretly happy that he accepted professor Oaks offer he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the week ahead of him.

Ashyboy, I love you (AshxGary and palletshipping) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now