Chapter 7: Elevate

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Ash sat around his house shamelessly sulking around in his bed, wishing his mother would stop fucking nagging him to death. Questions like are you okay? Should I call Misty over?

Obviously he wasn't fucking okay, and seriously mom? Calling his supposed best friend who kissed him was an equally bad fucking idea. So, maybe his mom didn't exactly know what happened therefore she was simply being a mother.

His mother was in his door way, basket full of folded laundry that she even put away for him. "Ash, I think it's time you tell me what's the matter. It's been days, sweetie, I'm worried about you."

"I don't want to. We disagreed with each other, mom, it's a common thing among teenagers." She nodded quickly, getting fed up with his sulky behavior.

"Go outside, honey. I'll make you lunch when you get back home." Ash wanted to ignore her so fucking badly, she just needed to get off his damn case. If he wanted to sulk at home that was his fucking business!

"Later, I'm totally into this show. Like, I wanna know if the husband really killed the wife or not." She walked away, figuring that Ash would stay true to his word and leave the house when he said. Well, no, he didn't. By the time he remembered what his mom said it was already dark out, and oh fuck was she annoyed with him when he crept into the kitchen to get food.

"Ash! I told you to go outside, I can't believe you ignored me! You better go over to Gary's house and solve this problem you have with him." Again, Ash chose to just ignore her wishes and continue eating. "The husband killed the wife, got life in prison." He said after a few minutes, just to fuck with his mom - she wasn't amused.

"I'm calling Gary, sweetie. He will tell me everything that happened." Well, as it turned out Gary didn't tell his mom anything more than Ash did. It pissed him off that his mom felt the need to stick her nose in his business. "Mom, can't you just stay out of it? This doesn't have anything to do with you!" He slammed his hand down on the table and winced when he saw his mothers face crumble in defeat. His life was really fucking up these days, nothing he could do got him out of this shitty ass mood.

He can't call Misty she might stick her tongue down his throat, can't call Gary he might mind-fuck him some more, well- he could call Brock. It was probably about

time he hung out with Brock without having Misty around. "I'll go hang out with Brock tomorrow, okay? That good enough?" She smiled quickly, making an effort to seem happy enough. Well, he was going to try and make an effort too- an effort to forget about his awkward fling with Gary, to forget about that even more awkward kiss with Misty. Ash hasn't even begun to want to process that horrible moment in his life, was Misty suddenly taking drugs? That bitch didn't even share.

Ash told himself repeatedly that he wasn't going to be a bitch about this - fuck that he was gonna make Gary be the whiny bitch.

The next morning he called Brock to come over to hang out. "Hey, come over. Yeah, now. No, don't bring Misty- please, no. I'll explain that when you get here. NO! Not Gary's house, my house. He's not here. No, he's not coming. NO! Just come over, yeah?" he hung up without another word- God what an awkward fucking phone call. Thank God his mom was at the store so she didn't hear his phone call, that would be yet another conversation he didn't wanna have.

Brock showed up a half hour later with a questioning gaze, what exactly was going on with everyone these days?

"Is there a reason Misty is being more sulky about you than usual?" Brock asked, getting right down to business. Ash choked on the breath he took and then sighed loudly, of course Brock would start with the most awkward subject. "Well, she, uh kissed me. It was.. well, it was awful. I, uh, don't swing that way? I don't know, Brock. I don't ever want it to happen again." Brock nodded to himself, finally understanding the situation. "Okay, well... I mean, did you let her down gently?"

"No! I ran the fuck out of there. I was going through something, so when I came to her for advice she ripped her top off- and well, kissed me. No, wait the kiss was first. It doesn't matter! I left right after I saw her tits."

Brock was oozing with jealousy- maybe he would have to go to Misty for advice in the future if that's how she helped everyone out. "Is she on drugs, Brock?" Ash quietly asked. "Uh, no?" After that conversation was thankfully dropped Brock and him played video games for a few hours until Brock got a phone call signaling that he had to answer. "Hey, Misty. Yeah, I'm at his house now. Can you keep your tits in long enough to come over here? HAHAHA. I thought it was funny, lighten up. Uh, lemme ask him." He pressed the mute button quickly.

"So can she come over? She seems sorry.." Ash sighed and nodded his head slowly. "Misty? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He said you could. Hahaha, I still think it was funny. Ash did too, Misty. Yeah? Well, if you come gotta keep your tongue to yourself. No tongue? Okay, yeah, I got it. See ya."

Ash couldn't believe he was allowing her to come over but he figured it was better than having Gary over, although he wouldn't be able to avoid him forever. He would have to handle that very soon. Later on, perhaps.

Misty came in a pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt, thankfully covering all her naughty bits. "Hey, Ash- could we maybe talk about what happened?" Ash already forgave her as soon as he saw her though, it was just the way he was. "It's okay, really, Misty. It was awkward that's all. I still love you, you're my best friend. Just no more kissing, okay?"

Misty nodded her head quickly, orange hair falling into her face. "What are you gonna do about the other situation? It's been days, he's leaving soon." Ash knewshe would bring this up. "I know. I'll talk to him today." While the golden trio played video games together all Ash's problems seemed to wash away and it wasn't until his friends said their good byes that all his hurt feelings came back to him.

Ash slipped on his shoes and walked towards Professor Oak's house, determined to talk to Gary- to well, to just see that cocky smirk form on his face and make him feel much better. He gathered enough courage to knock on the door, hoping Gary would at least open the door and civilly talk to him. Gary didn't open the door, a slut did. Seeing some slut in lacy lingerie made him absolutely sick to his stomach. Gary was such a fucking twat, why was he here again?

Oh, right- it was a total moment of weakness. "Is there something you need?" She said in a sickly sweet voice. Ash just shook his head quickly and backed away from the house, eyes blurring with tears that he refused to release. It was high time he moved the fuck on, this was the last time he would let Gary hurt him this badly.

Gary ran out of his house the moment he saw that familiar form start leaving, fuck if he was gonna let Ash get away from him again.

"ASH. We need to talk, please." Gary sounded so utterly defeated that it made Ash stop dead in his tracks and turn around. Gary did look like he was finally ready to take this shit seriously.

"Five minutes, that's it." Ash thought five minutes was more than enough time to get whatever that needed to be said out in the open- holy shit was he wrong when the next words slipped out of Gary's mouth.

"I think I may love you."


Ashyboy, I love you (AshxGary and palletshipping) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now