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time skip - two weeks

narrator pov

vinnie was doing his night routine (as he should), while he uploaded his lovely nightly shower tiktok thirst trap.

earlier while he was streaming, vinnie couldn't stop thinking about alexis and all the little things he loved about her. like the way she lit up when the boy would finally give in to putting the movie that she wanted to watch or the way her hair smelt like peaches when they cuddled and oh how he would smile at just the thought of her laughing at any of his jokes or one of his many stupid moments.

the boy was now relaxing on his bed, doing whatever it is that teen boys do on their phones, until he heard the door bell ring but shrugged it off and stayed in bed, expecting one of the other boys of the house to get it.

2 minutes pass by and the door bell rang again. vinnie sighs, thinking that the boys were most likely not home and that he better go check on who could be outisde at 11 pm. probably one of the boys who forgot their key, he thought, as he pulls a dark blue hoodie over his head and heads downstairs.

turns out it was the girl he's talking to's best friend, well one of lexi's best friends, and vinnie opened the door confused on why she was standing there alone, especially since he was home alone, or so he thought.

"hi," kayla mumbles. vinnie smiles and waves a hand up, pressing his lips together. he looks back into the house, with a fully ringed hand on the opened door, not knowing what he was supposed to do or say next...

thankfully, kio came running downstairs looking like a mess, and just stood there frozen looking at vinnie and kayla standing at the door.

vinnies pov

i knew that kio had been really feeling like shit lately, and it hurt that he wouldn't even talk and open up to me about anything, but now that i finally saw him out of his room looking like this, shit made sense.

but i was especially confused to see kayla standing out here right now, because as i glanced back over to kio, it really didn't look like he wanted any company at the moment.

"uhhh," i mumbled as kio started moving closer to the door slowly. i took this as my queue to head out. "i'm gonna go back to my room." i nod, slowly moving back to the stairs, not bothering to close the door of my room as i flopped back down on my bed.

i decide to scroll on tiktok for a few minutes, until i heard screams coming from across the hall and shot up from my bed, going to check on what was going on.

"i-im s-so s-orry." i hear coming from a girls voice, followed by the slam of a door.

i peek into the hallway to see kayla sobbing, her face buried in her hands and i just froze. what was i supposed to do? i cant just leave her there like that but i suck with crying girls.

"kayla?" i whisper and she looks up at me, sniffling and tries to wipe her tears away with the back of her hand.

"you good?" i ask again, slowly moving towards her. "mhm," she sniffled, quivering and i couldn't help but feel really bad for her.

"c'mere," i gesture for her to give me a hug and she stutters before finally giving in. "it's gonna be okay," i assure her, carresing her back and i could hear her whimper and sniffle more.

i pulled away to see her head still facing down and noticed my hoodie now coated in tears. it was clear that she needed a tissue so i went into my room, gesturing for her to come and she followed. i handed her the tissue box, and she took it.

i look down to my hoodie and decide that i should probably change it and just take it off and notice her turn to look away. "it's fine to look." i chuckle and i see her finally smile.

not as pretty as lexis but it was cute.

"soo... you wanna talk about it?" i asked, crouching down on my bed next to kayla and rested my elbows on my knees.

"aren't you best friends with kio?" she sniffled.

"yeah but... you look like you need someone to talk to right now, so i'm here."

"oh. well um it's okay vinnie, thanks though." she was obviously lying so i gave her a 'seriously' look and she just shakes her head.

"it's okay i'm fine i'm fine."

"clearly," i scoff, raising my brows sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood but i guess that failed. "now tell me."

"umm it's nothing really."

"kayla." i insist and nudge her arm with mine and she froze at the contact.

"i-" she tried to say something but all she could do was panic.

"shit um, kayla, please dont cry. it's gonna be okay."

"n-no it isn't. i m-messed u-p a-and there's n-o going b-back." she cried again so i just pulled her into a hug.

it was kind of awkward, us just sitting on my bed and her crying on my chest, probably ruining another one of my hoodies, but she seemed to calm down for a minute then suddenly starts breaking down again.

"it's gonna be okay." i try to reassure but she just starts crying even more and i honestly have no clue what to do in a situation like this and felt really bad.

"you don't have to explain but—" i was interrupted by a knock on the door. kio barged in looking like he was crying himself, making me pull away from kayla, frozen and choking on her tears.

"oh- well isn't this ironic." he chuckles sarcastically throwing his hands up in the air and storms back out, slamming the door.

"what does that even mean?" i shout at him as i get up abruptly. tf is happening.

"is there anything i could do to help you out?" i asked, looking back at her, running my hands through my hair.

"uh n-no it's fine... i actually think i'm gonna go home now, but thanks for helping me out." she gets up and leaves my room and i could still hear her sobbing as she heads down stairs.

after i hear the front door shut, i wait 2 minutes before going back down to lock it then run back up and knock on kio's door, but he wouldn't answer. fuck.

did i do something? what the fuck just happened? i was so confused by all the events that occurred tonight but the one thing i was sure of was that kio and kayla were done.


that bitch😒

watched aot while
editing this lol



'ɴ ɪ ᴄ ᴇ  ᴛ ¡ ᴛ ꜱ' , vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now