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lexi pov

"hey whores!" sofia chants as she power walks into sway gaming. meg and i give each other an amused look as we trail not far behind her.

the group of shirtless boys immediately stop yelling at their game and hurry over to say hi and give us friendly hugs.

"hey lexi whats up," aaron comes over and shocks me a little when he pulls me into a hug, "haven't seen you in a while ah?"

"ahah yeah," i nervously laugh, pulling away, "um do you know where vin-"

"oh my FUCKING good you're finally here!" vinnie interrupts, panting as he rushes down the stairs then wrapping his strong arms around me.

"hi baby." he smiles, lifting my chin up and places a soft kiss on my lips. "hi vin." i nuzzle into his chest.

"ewww," i turn to see baby j sarcastically gagging and the boys laughing.

"so whats the plan for tonight?" jordan asks, taking a bit of an apple.

"are we all gonna hang out together now or what?" i ask vinnie, as my hands swing in his.

"i was actually thinking," he chuckles and smiles before continuing, "that you and me should do something alone today." the sweet smile on his face turning into a cheeky grin.

"oh?" i raise my brows at him as he starts pulling my hand with him towards the door.

"don't get killed lexi!" sofia shouts, cupping a hand to her cheek, followed by troy yelling, "and don't forget to use protection!" everyone laughs, making me roll my eyes and i look at vinnie who still has that grin on his face as we walk to the car and the sound of laughter becoming faint when we near it.

"so where we going?" i ask vinnie while putting on my seatbelt then connected the bluetooth to my phone.

"you'll see." he hums, pulling out of the driveway and drives off, the song 'slow down' by chase atlantic blasting from the speakers and one of vinnies hands moves off the wheel and smoothly rests on my thigh.

i recognize the streets we drive through but still have no idea where vinnies taking us and he still wouldn't tell me or give away any hints.

"trust me okay?" he squeezes my thigh, sending me butterflies everywhere, his gaze still focused on the road as he starts slowing down and pulling into a parking lot.

"starbucks? really?" i laugh but immediately stop when i see vinnie pout. well it was a pretty cute idea for us to spend some more time together.

"this is just a pit stop babe. now cmon i know how much you love those white chocolate mochas." he winks as the car finally comes to a stop and he gets up, running up to my side to open the door for me.

"you don't have to do that, vin." i tilt my head to the side and watch him shrug as he takes my hand and we walk into starbucks.

"sit, i'll go get the drinks." he points at a table and rushes off to the counter and i couldn't help but smile at how sweet and caring he was acting.

i sit down at the table and reply to megs text telling her that vinnie took me to starbucks but said it was only a little stop apparently and she replied saying 'awwwwh'.

"excuse me," i look up to see a tall, tanned boy with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, "is this seat taken?" he grins and my smile fades away.

"actually it is." i mutter through gritted teeth and peak at the counter to see vinnie on his phone while he waits for our drinks. shit.

"well i hope you mean that it's taken by me." he laughs and i force a smile at him before looking back to see vinnie still in the same manner as before. what's taking so long?

"look, you seem like a nice guy but-" "and you're a very pretty girl and i think we would make cute babies together." the fuck did he just say-

"can i get your number?" he grins but it slowly disappears when a firm hand appears on his shoulder and i sigh of relief. vinnie finally came back with the tray of drinks and a little bag of food in his other hand.

"you're in my seat." vinnie states in a rough tone, glaring at the guy, who gulps and murmurs a 'sorry', quickly getting up from the spot and sprinting out of the starbucks.

"here." he hands me my drink, plopping down in the chair then props up his elbows on the table, sighing and runs his hands through his hair.

"you okay?" i ask him as i take a sip.
he stays quiet for a minute, simply looking down at the table before looking up at me, sighing again and shakes his head.

"yeah yeah perfect"

"but vinnie-"

"you ready to go?"


"you sure you're okay?" i ask with concern as vinnie starts the engine of the car. "yes baby, i'm fine now, don't worry." he looks at me with a soft smile and puts his hand back on my thigh before driving off to our next destination.

"it's beautiful." my mouth agape, in awe of the miraculous view, the colourful sunset glows, as vinnie and i admire from the top of the hill.

"you're beautiful." he places a soft kiss on my head before pulling me into a soothing heartfelt hug.


"look, lexi," vinnie pulls away from the hug but takes my hands in his and looks deep into my eyes. my stomach flutters and i feel like my hearts about to burst out of my chest from beating so fast.

"you know how much i like you and want things to work out between us and i really do care for you so so much. you're all i ever want and need." one of his hands reach up to cup my cheek and he starts caressing it lightly with his thumb.

"you're my favourite person to be around, you're gorgeous, kind-hearted, understanding, funny and absolutely perfect in my eyes a-and i think it's time we should finally take things to the next level," he pauses and looks at the view before straightening his posture and looking back at me, tenderness in his hazel eyes,

"will you be my girlfriend?"


OR NO!?!

lmk what u think of
this chapter wifeys !!

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