𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝

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Pairings: Dream x Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of death, blood, violence
Pronouns: They/them


The glimmer in (Y/n) eyes continued to flicker as they glanced down at the chains that engulfed their hands. Their breath was calm and steady, despite having multiple straps of metal clung onto them to keep them in place to stop them from moving anywhere apart from where they was sat.

There, on the podium, in front of the people of Dream's country, knelt (Y/n). The moment was supposed to be embarrassing for them, specifically created to humiliate their character. But they just couldn't help to hold back the grin that grew on their face. It bothered the rest of the people hoping to humiliate them as (Y/n) sat there with a cheeky grin on their face, as if to taunt them, but (Y/n) really couldn't control it. The situation was just funny to them.

The way they ended up in this situation was pretty simple, but it's necessary to turn back to just a few months before, back when Dream's life hadn't completely turned upside down. It's easier to understand when you look at all sides of the story. Well, your opinions on this probably wouldn't change after hearing all sides of the story, but it's good to listen anyway.

(Y/n) was a fairly neutral party, they always had been - At least, that's what they had always said. They mainly fought for themself, but if (Y/n) and another person was given a common goal, they wouldn't mind teaming with them. But whatever it was, (Y/n) loved to do things for the sake of it being done. Whether it was for money, power or just the fact that they thought it'd be funny - as long as they got what they wanted in the end, they were free to do whatever they pleased. And they didn't necessarily have a particular limit to what they would do either. (Y/n) was courageous.

What were they fighting for in this case? Well, (Y/n) was always a pleaser of the people. But they wouldn't mind having the power that Dream did. Imagine what they could do with the influence he had. They were a little power-hungry, they would admit; moving to the Dream SMP only itched them more to take a step closer to their goal.

They wanted to try to get ahead and the one way to do that was to get through Dream first.

And let me just say, it worked. Incredibly well. Dream played directly into the palm of their hand and he had no idea. (Y/n) was almost surprised how naive he seemed to be. He talked a lot of big game. Saying he was this 'strong man with a huge IQ', but really? To them, he was nothing. It was often baffling how gullible he always seemed to be whenever (Y/n) made an offering. Every play he made was laughable and he continued making these decisions.

(Y/n) played it off smoothly. They were the kind soul Dream would meet standing by the end of the docks. Doing regular things, like lighting up sticks of dynamite and throwing them into the lake just to watch it explode. You know, something they knew would attract his attention. Which it did. He didn't find a lot of people that he found as interest as them, which is why it had caught his attention when he saw someone as bold as they were.

From then on, (Y/n) got closer and closer to Dream. The one reason Dream liked them because he was under the impression that they were very alike. Which they were, just not the kind of alike he would've hoped. He saw them as this equally chaotic and immoral person, while they just shared the same amount of intellect and manipulation. They had a few of his traits, just not the ones that he had wished to share.

(Y/n) fit nicely into the crown, by his side. They knew, if they had just waited a little bit longer, perhaps they could've gotten further. But they got cocky. (Y/n) started to do things like ask for information and sneak it over to his rivalled factions, like L'manburg in the hopes that it would spark wars.

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