𝐄𝐱 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

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Pairings: Dream x Reader
Warnings: Toxic/abusive relationship, manipulation
Pronouns: They/them


Dream and (Y/n) were busy trailing around the streets, trying to spend as much time together before (Y/n) left the country again. Because the two of them had never met in real life, (Y/n) made the big decision of flying out to Florida just to spend the week with him. It wasn't even that planned of a decision. One day, they just stated that they were sick and tired of not being in the same country as him and just flew out for a meet-up. Of course, he was glad that they had done so, but it wasn't long until they needed to go back. So they tried to mash all of the fun stuff into the few days that they had left in the country.

"Oh my God!" (Y/n) stopped dead in their tracks, freezing for a few seconds to stop Clay before he could walk further into the street. Their hand immediately pushed in front of him to stop him.

"Huh?" He turned back to look at (Y/n), who was turned facing something with a huge smile on their face. "What's going on!"

"It's my friend!" They exclaimed in an excited tone

"Who?" He cocked a brow, looking over in front of him to follow their view, trying to find who they could be staring at.

"The one sat by the table over there!" They proclaimed, gesturing over to one of the cafes, one with little dining tables strewn outside of the window of it. Only a few of the clothed desks had people sat by them, which, Clay supposed, made it easier for him to identify who (Y/n) was talking about.

"Which one?" He queried, narrowing his eyes to look at everybody sat there.

"You see the one with dark hair?" They pointed. "Him."

"Ohh, him." He nodded, finally laying his eyes on e person who was sat by himself on his phone, leaning his back against the chair to relax.

As much as Clay didn't want to admit it, just seeing (Y/n)'s friend sparked a hint of jealousy in him. Call him possessive, but that's just how he was. It didn't really matter who (Y/n) could be referring to, he always felt the need to be reminded that he was (Y/n)'s closest friend. Did it make him a bad person to be annoyed at things like these?

"I didn't know he was in Florida!" They chirped.

"Uh, me neither?" He tilted his head in confusion. "What's his name?"

"Tyler." They replied quickly. "I wonder what he's doing here." He hummed. "I thought he'd still be in the UK because of the thing he had."

"Yes, the thing he had-" He steadily said. "Listen, I have no idea what you're talking about." He began slowly. "You have never mentioned a Tyler friend before in your life."

"I've mentioned him before! Numerous times!" They argued back, furrowing their brows at Clay. They were seemingly a little upset that he hadn't remembered.

"No, you haven't?"

"Yes, I have! He's the Tyler that I always mentioned whenever we were on facetime together."

Clay's eyes widened. "Wait- Tyler as in your ex Tyler?" He immediately rotated himself so that he could fully face (Y/n), looking down at them with a concerned expression. "You consider him your friend?"

"Yeah? Why not?" They shrugged.

"(Y/n), he was toxic as hell." He stated in a stern tone.

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